Friday, 16 April 2010

HIV is a virus. It has no race, gender or sexuality

It’s rare to find instances of not-for-profit advertising, but this is one. Cases like this make up for a more legitimate use of the public space than the general abuse imposed by advertising; here a public service is the main aim.

Quite eye-catching, yet a bit obscure, this poster made in a style reminiscent of the propaganda posters of the early 20th century raises awareness about the discrimination suffered by people infected with HIV, black gay men in particular, so it seems.

Apart from this HIV specific topic, the address of the issue of cultural identity based in sexuality, gender, race, etc, presents itself as a remarkable artefact of our space/time; those are the parameters we use to define ourselves today (and also the ones we challenge).

Big Up & GMFA: HIV is a virus. It has no race, gender or sexuality
Leicester Square Station (LU)

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